Minister Travon Sears known to many as “Doc Bishop” is a man completely on fire for the Lord. Leading men prayer breakfasts across Middle Georgia and engaging many in intercessory prayer. Minister Sears is the Lead Intercessor not only for his church, but have been extended an invitation by many churches. This humble man of God is musically talented and truly focused on spiritual empowerment for the advancement of the kingdom of God. He believes in the pulling down of strongholds and uses prayer as a weapon to the defeat the adversary. Minister Sears is the CEO/Founder of “Way of the Prophets Ministry International” where Prophetic accuracy is taught and Co-Host on radio talk show “In DaZone”. Seamlessly he assists others in ministry aiding men, women, and youth through community outreach. Never embracing failure and always clothed by grace, Minister Sears heeds this call on his life.
Min. Travon"Doc Bishop" Sears |